Whole Nourishment

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{Video} 9 Strategies for Healthy Habits

Habits are the cornerstone of daily life. Whether intentional or not, a sequence of repeated patterns and rituals guide us through life at home, at work and everywhere in between. But maybe some of these habits don't serve us, or we're missing a habit we know could bring greater [fill in the blank for what you're looking for: productivity, peace, mindfulness, intentionality, etc.] to our life.

Here's where the nine strategies I share in the video come in. Pick a habit you'd like to work on, then keep it front of mind while you watch this video so you can find the one or two strategies that suite your needs.

Remember, just like there’s no one right way to eat, there’s no one right strategy for forming lasting habits. We all have different temperaments, routines, and styles of working. The key is to know yourself, what comes easy for you, what’s more challenging, and then craft an environment to better support those challenges. But don’t worry, I show you how to do this in the video!

The strategies I've shared are related to self-knowledge, organization and mindset, and hopefully you can identify one or two that will help you reinforce a foundation for good practices in everyday life.

Once you watch the video leave a comment over on YouTube letting me know which strategy you'll put into practice first!