Behind-the-Scenes Fall Transition

Photo Credit: Anna Primavera

This week, I'm shaking things up and doing something I've never done on the blog before. I'm getting personal and giving you a behind-the-scenes peek into my day-to-day life as I transition out of summer mode, into fall routine. I'm sharing articles I've been reading, podcast stories I've been listening to, and products I've been using. Hopefully, one or two items will resonate and provide new ideas, inspiration, or just simple pleasure (er...distraction?) in your day to ease the transition from summer back into work and school routine.

But before we dive in, I'm also excited to share two updates!

Photo Credit: Anna Primavera

First, do you remember Leila, the pup we often kept in Switzerland? Well, we've adopted her! In May, Leila made the journey south to come live with us. It was a bittersweet adoption. Her parents moved to Australia and due to logistical reasons, couldn't take her. She's a precious gift, and they can rest assured Leila is in very good hands!

In other news, if you're new to Whole Nourishment or you simply want to learn more about my journey to Whole Nourishment, what I do day-to-day as a Health Coach, and how to bring more Whole Nourishment into your own life, check out this new five-minute video!

Uploaded by Whole Nourishment on 2017-09-11.

(Video produced and edited by Anna Primavera)

Now, on to the articles, podcasts, and products I've been enjoying recently. Bonus is that many on this list are helping me get back in the game, mentally, and prepare for the upcoming change in seasons. Hope they do for you as well! 

Interesting Reads

Insightful Podcast Stories

Photo credit: Anna Primavera

Nourishing Products

  • Don't underestimate the power of smell to energize, uplift, refresh, and calm. I love spritzing on Just the Goods' Aromatherapy Body & Room Spray or dabbing her Aromatherapeutic Oils onto wrists and temples in the morning and mid afternoon for a little pick-me-up. Sometimes I think I want a snack when what I actually need is fresh air and mood-boosting (and chemical-free) smells!
  • I've been using and loving PiperWai's charcoal-based deodorant for several years. Use the code FRIEND-BBNZK3B at checkout to get 15% off your order.