{Video} Healthy & Sane | Part 3: Taking Baby Steps

If you ever feel guilty, obsessive, or restrictive about your food choices, this series is for you! Healthy & Sane is a three-part video series I've developed in response to the numerous heartfelt conversations I've had with people struggling with their relationship to food and body. It addresses the most basic but essential element to a happy, unrestrained food life -- our thoughts about food -- and answers a question most of us have asked ourselves at some point:

"How can I have a healthy approach to food without obsessing over it?"

This series offers real-life insights and practical mindset tips I've learned as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and on my own journey to Whole Nourishment on how to be healthy and sane in an insane food world. A food world that operates in the extremes and turns well-intentioned guidelines into restrictive, fear-inducing food rules disguised as "healthy" and "clean". 

If you missed Parts 1 & 2, watch them here. Then watch this final video in the series where I show you how to take baby steps in your everyday food choices towards becoming healthy and sane.

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And please share this video series with anyone you know who could benefit from a healthy and sane food mindset. The full series can be found here.