Whole Nourishment

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{Video} An Unconventional Way to Think About Weight Loss (Part I)

This is a two-part video series that helps to reframe how we think about weight so we can establish a gentler, kinder, healthier, more joyful way of living and being in relationship with food and our bodies.

In this first video above I’m sharing:

  • why our weight is NOT the actual problem

  • how focusing on weight loss is not only preventing us from achieving the results we want but is dangerous to our physical and emotional well-being

In the next video I'll share what we can focus on instead of weight loss if we want to make positive changes for our physical health and emotional well-being.

Why is this so important that I decided to make a video series on it?

Because a focus on weight loss leads to diet mentality, which in turn encourages a restrictive, all-or-nothing, perfectionist view towards food. And dieting to lose weight puts us at high risk of weight cycling, eating disorders, and gaining more weight over time.

This is a harsh and stressful way to live, but sadly, it's become the norm. We've learned to equate health with a lower weight, clean eating, and deprivation. Yet, the Body Mass Index measurement (BMI) was never intended to be used as a reflection of an individual's health. And it commonly miscategorizes health status.

The research is clear. Intentional weight loss interferes with the process of self-trust and honing our listening skills. We've lost trust in our body's inherent knowing and desire for balance -- that innate wisdom we all have, and that we once even allowed to guide our food and self-care choices. But we must loosen the grip on weight as the gold standard for health and happiness in order to once again learn to trust our body, become aware of our physical and psychological needs, and respond appropriately to get those needs met.

For all these reasons, I cannot ethically support weight loss as a goal for my clients. Instead, I equip them with tools, strategies and mindsets rooted in mindfulness, emotional resilience, intuitive eating, and non-diet nutrition.

If this has been a topic on your mind, I hope you watch the video series and find some nuggets of inspiration to help you begin reframing your relationship with food. And if you'd like tailored, one-on-one support, book a complimentary session with me!